Sep 23-26 , 2018
The Hague, The Netherlands

Every two years a member society of the ICCCS (International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies) organizes the International Symposium on Contamination Control and Cleanroom Technology. This year this will be done by the Netherlands Contamination Control Society VCCN in The Hague in the Netherlands on 23 to 26 September 2018.

There will be a four day programme consisting of a two days conference programme and alternatively a tutorial program and a workshop program. The third day is reserved for the technical tours. The first day is reserved for the social programme. On Tuesday, parallel to the Symposium, the traditional Dutch National Cleanroom Day will be organized.

The conference programme consists of:

  • 4 keynote speakers
  • 66 speakers, divided over 22 speaker sessions
  • 11 workshops
  • 4 tutorials