Compounding Pharmacies

Filtration Provides a Contaminant-Free Environment for Pharmaceutical Drug Compounding

Compounding pharmacies prepare personalized prescription medications from individual ingredients mixed together in the exact strength and dosage required. Compounded medications can include capsules or tablets, creams or gels, and injectables. Because the risk of infection is greater with injectables, they must be prepared according to strict standards established by the United States Pharmocopeia (USP) Chapter 797 regulations for compounding sterile products.

Based on these standards, the air in the compounding area must meet ISO Class 5 standards for clean air, which specify the number of particles permitted per cubic meter of air, to prevent microbial contamination that could cause infection in patients. Containment air filtration systems are essential to ensuring an environment free of dangerous microbial contaminants for compounding drugs safely.

Containment Filtration for Critical Pharmaceutical Applications

Containment filtration systems are designed, developed, and manufactured to exact standards for control of microbial contamination in compounding pharmacies. High quality, customized total containment filtration systems manufactured by a single source ensure maximum performance reliability in adherence with required ISO Class 5 standards for clean air.

AAF Flanders specializes in the design, manufacturing, and testing of complete, custom containment filtration systems incorporating HEPA filters with maximum filtration efficiency for a virtually particulate-free environment to prevent contamination of compounded drugs. These systems also contain fan filters units, terminal modules, and AstroHood S-I for fail-safe filtration.

AAF Flanders’ leading expertise in critical applications and single-source, total system approach ensure compliance with stringent regulatory requirements for clean air and sterility, providing an environment free of microbial contamination that could lead to serious and deadly infections in patients.

Optimize Your Filtration and Improve Your Environment

A thorough air filter audit of your HVAC systems is the first step that AAF Flanders  takes, in order to provide you professional guidance and analysis for cost savings and liability reduction. By conducting this audit, we strive to understand your current state and advise you on how your facility could perform better, helping you save money, reduce risk, and save time. 

Contact your AAF Flanders representative to schedule an audit and to find out how the insights from intelligent data tools, including TCO Diagnostic® and Sensor360®, can improve operational outcomes and save you time and money.