Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is Critically Important in Hospitality

The hotel guest experience is critical to the highly competitive and ever-changing hospitality industry. Excellent Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a key component of that experience. In a hotel, convention, or casino environment, people spend 80% of their time inside the buildings. The indoor environment is therefore the most fundamental element of service quality and overall experience. Guests want a healthy and comfortable environment in order to be productive at meetings and enjoy their leisure time, be it in their rooms, in restaurants, or around establishment premises. At the same time, employees need to be able to concentrate to work efficiently. To meet these expectations, good IAQ is essential, especially these days. To help with insuring a proper plan of action for reopening your business, we have put together a helpful infographic, and for more information please visit our blog. 

The Air Inside These Facilities Can Contain:

  • Molds, spores, pollens
  • Carbon monoxide, radon, volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Bacteria, viruses, and byproducts
  • Vehicle engine exhaust, exhaust from industrial plants
  • Asbestos, clays, elemental particles, and man-made fibers

More and more hotels realize the importance of guarding against allergens  and asthma triggers. Typically, rooms geared toward keeping guests who struggle with allergies and asthma comfortable garner a premium. More then 166 million of U.S. citizens live in areas with unhealthy levels of ozone and particle contamination. These concentrations cause serious complications for asthma-prone individuals. High-efficiency air filtration, both for supply and exhaust air, helps limit the spread of airborne pathogens among patrons and employees.

Extensive Studies Show:

In the United States alone, hotels represent more than 5 billion square feet of space, nearly 5 million guest rooms, and close to

$4 billion in annual energy use

56% of commercial maintenance teams actually admit that their

IAQ maintenance is not carried out per IAQ guidelines

Lack of proper air filtration is the

#1 cause of poor IAQ

Cost-Efficient Green Building Design

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) works to promote cost-efficient and resource-saving green building design, construction, and operations, with the goal of protecting the global environment and human health. Green buildings use on average 26% less energy, emit 33% less carbon dioxide, use 30% less indoor water, and send 50%-75% less solid waste to landfills and incinerators. The opportunities for hospitality venues to integrate green building strategies into their design, construction, and daily operations makes business sense, and a company’s commitment to sustainability can boost its appeal among consumers.

AAF Flanders can assist you in the processes required to earn Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) credits. The LEED Green Building Rating System™, administered by USGBC, is the nationally accepted benchmark for designing and sustaining green buildings. Contact your AAF Flanders representative to find out more.

Optimize Your Filtration and Improve Your Environment

hotel air filtration

Air filtration systems in hotels must handle large volumes of air. Approximately 50% of a building’s energy consumption goes to the heating, cooling, and moving of air. In considering the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), it is important to keep in mind that a cost-effective building requires that maintenance be planned to maintain energy efficiency, minimize costly downtime, and extend the lifespan of your equipment.

A thorough audit of your air filtration system is the first step that AAF Flanders recommends to provide you with professional guidance and an analysis for cost savings and liability reduction opportunities. By conducting this audit, we document your current state and advise you on how your facility could perform better, helping you save money, save time, and reduce risk. 

Contact your AAF Flanders representative to schedule an audit and to find out how the insights from intelligent data tools, including TCO Diagnostic® and Sensor360®, can improve operational outcomes and save you time and money.