
Gas Turbine Site Services

Starting with understanding your current plant performance, as well as ambitions for improvement, AAF gas turbine site services takes ownership from inlet to exhaust to guarantee a dependable air quality hour after hour.

Site Services Intro 1

Gas Turbine Auxiliary Equipment

Gas turbine air intake filtration, ventilation, and exhaust systems are all vital components which need to be maintained to protect gas turbines. Equipment of this importance requires the right caliber of support, with years of experience and a highly qualified global support team, AAF will work with you to fulfill all of your maintenance requirements.

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AAF offers a wide range of surveys and consultation services that extend beyond the physical condition of the machinery, providing in-depth analysis and recommending opportunities to increase gas turbine power output and lower heat rate.

AAF’s skilled technicians work as partners with your operating staff to capitalize on every opportunity to generate higher levels of performance.


Installation & commissioning

AAF has completed well over 7,000 gas turbine projects around the world so when it comes to installation and commissioning you are in safe hands. Our trained members of staff work with you to ensure installation is a harmonized process.

We work with a wide range of customers and work to the required industry standards to ensure equipment is operating at peak performance.


Maintenance & repairs

At AAF, we believe that properly maintained equipment is crucial to success. Therefore, we maintain a global presence that allows us to always be close to our customers, so that we may offer comprehensive and immediate repairs and maintenance.

Our team of specialists ensure gas turbine ancillary equipment is maintained with the same care and attention as the turbines themselves.


Upgrades & modifications

Operating environments and performance expectations are rarely fixed for the working life of a plant. Over time, needs and expectations change, this can leave original equipment ill-suited to current working conditions.

AAF upgrades allow equipment that has reached the end of its useful life to be completely transformed, saving owners the expense of a total replacement.


Service agreements

In the harsh conditions under which many gas turbines operate, deterioration can lead to minor issues causing major problems. Seal leaks, corrosion, failing fans and valves, and heat induced exhaust damage can erode performance and lead to an unplanned, expensive shutdown.

An AAF service agreement provides a custom maintenance plan. Serving to protect gas turbines and maximize availability, our dedicated team is always there when you need us.

Case Study

AAF’s Evaporative Cooler boosts power output

AAF’s customer is based in Phoenix, US and operates two 55 MW gas turbines with integrating evaporative cooling to reduce the temperature of the inlet air. The original filter housing was in need of an upgrade to improve performance and boost power output.

Here to support you

Our experts are here to help you and guide you to the best advice and solutions to improve your operational performance.